Friday 11 October 2013

Questionnaire Draft

Here are some questions that can be used in our survey. We thought this would be a good idea so we can alter any of our ideas if they do not get approved by our target audience; Teenage girls. This is perfect as we go to a sixth form so we will have many of helpful students to interview/give forms to.

1. Do you like pop music?

2. Do you prefer fast paced music videos?

3. Do you like when there is a narrative (story) in a music video?

4. How much do you appreciate props in music videos?

5. Do you think it is important to film instruments in a music video?

6. Is it a good idea to incorporate humour into a pop video?

7. Do you like when music videos show a vulnerable side to the singer, or do you prefer upbeat performance or both?

8. Does a good performance mean a lot to you?

9. Do you think we should use features from the original video or completely alternate it?

10. What is your favourite music video and why?

11. Where do you listen to your music?

12. Who are your favourite pop artists? 

13. Do you like a lot of visual effects?

14. How important is music to you?

15. How often do you watch music videos?

16. How many hours a day do you listen to music?

17. How old are you?

18. What is your gender?

19. Do your friends enjoy the same music as you?

20. If you watch music channels which ones do you watch?

21. Do you have any music apps on your mobile device?

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