Tuesday 17 December 2013

Costume from Test

Costume from test shoot.

The costume from the test shoot was based around the 1950s. We wanted the image of a 1950s housewife but with a modern twist. I wore a red spotted dress, apron, cardigan, and Doc Martens. The Doc Martens add a rebellious side to the artist. The Doc Martens also contrast against the formal tone and suggest that the artist is young and the housewife suggests she is traditional and more grown up. Linking this to the song, the lyrics "Your from the 70s I am a 90s bitch" suggest that the man is older than the artist, and we wanted to link this into the song somehow. When researching costume and housewives from the 1950s I found that many of the housewives had half aprons, we decided to recreate this, and I think it looks effective.

The makeup and hair we researched and decided to do a down hair style with winged eyeliner and lipstick. If we do this again I think it would look better to curl my hair and put it up, as this would look more traditional and make a bigger impact if later my hair is down in the video. I liked the slight quiff at the front of my hair, and would like to recreate that. I also added a beauty spot as it makes it more convincing. 

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