Sunday 15 December 2013

Opening Inspirations.

From our research we have found that a lot of music videos have an opening before the video. In planning and story boarding we have been coming up with ideas for the opening. I suggested to the group that we do a silent opening with the artist being a 1950s housewife. For many of our meetings we have been thinking about the aspects of Voyeurism within music video and how we might include that in our video. A student music video that was shown to us started the idea of playing with voyeurism for me.

As well as there being much controversy over women in music video and how they are exploited currently. "Blurred Lines" created a huge debate due to the objectification of the women.

Similarly Lilly Allen's "Hard Out Here" has been dealing with this issue, parodying Thickes video, and showing a strong female character. This has been a particular inspiration because like Lilly Allen we want our artist to be a strong female, drawing from the rebellious themes in the song, "I don't care, I love it".

I had the idea of the opening being the artist dressed like a 1950s housewife. This inspiration for this came from Lady Gaga's "Telephone". This opening allows us to play with voyeurism as we are showing the female in a stereotypical way. We then show her in power, showing her as a strong female, who is independent of traditional values. This links in to our song as she is tired of her partner.

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